Not-entirely-random stuff for funders and doers obsessed with impact at scale. Every 3 months. More or less.
The Tech Nonprofit Playbook
Whether you're at the beginning of your impact journey or further along, this playbook has easy to find nuggets on everything from design to storytelling to boards. We loved it.
Fast Forward (5min - 2hrs)
(They've also got a great weekly round up of funding opportunities).
The Potential of Assessing Children’s Learning by Phone
How do we do learning assessments when we can't do stuff face-to-face anymore? It turns out that phone assessments can be just as good - and are way cheaper. Wow! This opens up all kinds of possibilities.
CGDEV (2 minutes)
(Related to this IDInsight did a 3 part blog on how to do phone surveys at scale.)
Listening in the Time of COVID-19
A survey of 10K people in low income countries about how the pandemic has affected their lives. Some pretty stark responses - drops in food consumption, drawing down on savings etc. More evidence, not that you need it, that this is going to be a long haul, especially for the poorest people.
60 Decibels (10 minutes)
(Related to this is The Kenya Covid tracker - a “one stop shop” for real-time data on the spread of COVID-19 and its economic fallout in Kenya.)
Meet The Entrepreneur Whose Kenyan ‘Airbnb For African Forests’ Just Raised $28 Million
Komaza helps poor families turn dry, fallow land into small-scale, income-generating tree farms. Mulago started funding them in 2008. It's been a soul-crushing slog to get there and with this latest funding they're well on their way to planting one billion trees by 2030 benefiting more than 2 million farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. That's impact at scale.
Forbes (4 minutes)

Proximity Finance Raises $14M
You wait for ages and then two come along at once. Mulago has funded Proximity since 2007; Proximity Finance just signed a $14M deal with 3 new investors that triples their client base and increases loan sizes to smallholder farmers in Myanmar!
Finnfund (3 minutes)
Mind Boggling Numbers of Africa's Population Growth
You gotta take most demographic predictions with a pinch of salt. This is still worth-a-read. Most of the world’s population growth in the century ahead will happen in Africa, and it’s gonna happen fast. Just in Tanzania the population is projected to go from 56M to 286M by 2100.
Pew Research (5 minutes)

Adapting Health Delivery to Respond to COVID-19
Community Health Workers are at the frontline of this crisis. This piece by LivingGoods is interesting as it has some really specific detail on what their CHWs are doing differently.
LivingGoods (3 minutes)
A Practical Guide to Leading Thriving, High-Functioning Virtual Teams
Our friends at Rippleworks put together this excellent guide with some great stuff on maintaining culture, scheduling and seeing the positives of the shift to remote work.
Medium (10 minutes)

This book has been getting rave reviews from education experts. It's a short, actionable guide that'll help you move a range of events onto zoom. It gives a high level review of the research on what works virtually, and dummy-proof steps on how to actually make it happen. The accompanying website has some good stuff as well.
Want more on learning via zoom? Check out these resources:
And finally