Conserve Global

Our total investment:
$600K unrestricted grants
Funded since 2022

Why We Invest

Two-thirds of Sub-Saharan Africa’s protected areas are connective corridors in the form of concessions (i.e. ex-hunting blocks) and community conservancies. With the steep decline of the hunting industry, these critical landscapes are fragmented and deteriorating – many now are unmanaged, economically fallow, and devoid of wildlife. 

Conserve Global works with communities to stop the loss and restore landscapes for the benefit of people and nature. They help establish community tenure over their land, set up systems to manage and look after it, and co-create a plan to take care of the landscape. Revenue is generated through tourism and nature-related assets to support these activities and benefit the community. Over time, the community takes over all the responsibilities. Conserve Global shows a lot of promise and connective corridors represent a huge opportunity of land coverage (nearly 2M km2!). 

Our Portfolio